Tradition and prestige in business book publishing
Deusto was founded in 1959 and has belonged to Grupo Planeta since the 1980s. It is one of the imprints with the greatest tradition and prestige in the publishing of books on business. Its offering is geared towards academics and professionals who wish to stay abreast of the latest tendencies and focuses in the management of different business areas.
Deusto publishes the most significant books on management, sales and marketing, finance and accounting, strategy, leadership, communication, human resources, economics, public relations and managerial skills.
Prominently featuring among its international authors are Peter Drucker, John Kotter, Michael E. Porter, Joseph L. Badaracco and Pankaj Ghemawat, and among its national authors, Pedro Nueno, Joan Massons, Blas Calzada, Jesús Omeñaca and Pablo Fernández.
Its collection Clásicos Deusto de Inversión y Finanzas contains works such as the book considered to be the investor’s bible, El inversor inteligente, by Benjamin Graham, who was known in academic and financial circles as "the Dean of Wall Street".
Por qué dejé Goldman Sachs, by Greg Smith; Desnudando a Google, by Alejandro Suárez; Wikileaks y Assange, by David Leigh and Luk Harding, and España se escribe con E de Endeudamiento, by José María Gay de Liébana, are clear examples of this publisher’s commitment to tackling the most relevant current issues together with their protagonists or reliable professionals.