Editorial Planeta
Fiction and non-fiction in Catalan and the largest prize in Catalan literature
The success of Editorial Planeta is based on a catalogue that arouses the interest of a large number of readers.
Through its Catalan imprint, Planeta publishes the Catalan version of books written in Spanish by emblematic authors including Carlos Ruiz Zafón, with L’Ombra del Vent, El Joc de l’Àngel and La Trilogia de la Boira; and Matilde Asensi, with Iacobus, La Sala d’Ambre, L’origen perdut, Tot sota el cel and Terra ferma.
Editorial Planeta awards the largest prize in Catalan literature, the Ramon Llull, with a level of dissemination equivalent to that of the Planeta Prize for Spanish literature. First awarded in 1968, it has seen its most fertile period since Planeta reinstated it in 1981. The Prize has been awarded to works by writers such as Joan Perucho, the first winner with his novel Les aventures del cavaller Kosmas, Pere Gimferrer, Carme Riera, Nèstor Luján, Baltasar Porcel, Terenci Moix, Joan Barril and, more recently, Gabriel Janer Manila, Najat El Hachmi, Carles Casajuana, Imma Monsó and Sílvia Soler.