Editorial Proa
Fundamental Catalan authors and translations of major works
Editorial Proa was founded in 1928 to publish, in Catalan, the great novels of the day and from the 19th century. Also created at that time was A Tot Vent, its most emblematic collection, with Catalan and international authors of worldwide renown. Following the Spanish Civil War, it continued to work from exile in Perpignan, and in 1964 returned to Barcelona, forming part of the Aymà publishing company. It subsequently came to form part of Enciclopèdia Catalana and in the year 2007 of Grup 62.
Proa has always had the vocation and the desire to cater for all literary genres, therefore its catalogue covers collections of narrative and poetry, of essay and theatre, of literary and historical studies, and of reflection and debate.
Editorial Proa awards the Carles Riba Prize for poetry and publishes the Mercè Rodoreda Prize for short stories and narratives and the Carles Rahola Prize for essay.