Lunwerg Editores
Prestige and quality in art books publishing
Lunwerg Editores is one of the most important and prestigious publishers of art and photography books in Spain. Founded in 1979 and a part of Grupo Planeta since 2006, it has developed and specialised in the publication of large-format, high quality illustrated books in thematic areas such as art, photography, architecture, design, interior decor, travel, food, nature, science, research and maritime themes. Its publishing catalogue exceeds 1,500 titles and its photographic archive contains over a million images.
Since 1985, Lunwerg has worked in collaboration with the most prominent international publishers of art and photography, co-publishing and co-producing many of its titles with important institutions and publishing companies from around the world. In recognition of its work, it has been awarded various national and international prizes, such as the International Award for Photography in Arles.
The company also boasts extensive experience in exhibitions, and it collaborates with museums, galleries and art centres (Museo del Prado, Museo Thyssen Bornemizsa, Museo Reina Sofía and Museo Picasso de Barcelona, among others) on the production of their catalogues. It also produces exhibitions in Spain and Latin America.
Lunwerg has been the official publisher of books for numerous major events (Five-Hundredth Anniversary, Olympic Games of Barcelona 1992, Forum of Cultures 2004, 250th Anniversary of Goya’s Birth, 32nd America's Cup, etc.), and also of important research projects for different archives (Simancas, General Archive of the Indies, Royal Botanical Garden, etc.).
Together with seven other renowned publishers from different countries, in 1994 Lunwerg participated in establishing the European Publishers Award for Photography.